Healthy hair tips:

Healthy hair

Apply olive oil at bed time and wash off the hair next morning. Boil mustard oil. A regular massage of this oil is helpful.Always maintain a balanced diet with exercise for healthy hair. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.

Coconut oil mixed with lime- juice on the hair applied daily is also good for hair health. If you have dandruff then apply a mixture of vinegar and water on the scalp before you go to bed. Keep it overnight. Rinse your head with vinegar water again in the morning. You will see the result within few weeks.

Another good way to get rid of dandruff is to soak ground fenugreek seeds overnight in water and massage the paste on the head, leaving it for a few minutes and then wash it. To keep head of healthy hair is to Apply juice of green coriander leaves on the head.  Massage of olive oil and almond oil on your scalp is a good cure of dandruff.
